dressing room

[ˈdresiŋ ru:m]
  • 释义
  • 更衣室;化妆室;(舞台的)后台;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    I rushed to the dressing room and slipped it on.


  • 2、

    I was in that Wembley dressing room on Wednesday night and saw how much it hurt.


  • 3、

    Itbegun as an electrical fire in the Zebra Room, adjacent to the bride's dressing room.


  • 4、

    Do you have a dressing room and a chair with your name?

    你有自己的更衣室吗?有专属的私人座椅 吗 ?

  • 5、

    Excuse me where is the dressing room?


  • 6、

    That who shows fanatical worship to that actor has been crowded into his dressing room doorway.


  • 7、

    I soon have everything ready for tonight? You did get the list for the dressing room?

    我很快会把今晚的一切准备好的? 你们把化妆室准备好了 吗 ?

  • 8、

    It's close to showtime now, so you retire into the dressing room.


  • 9、

    She threw a hissy fit because her dressing room wasn't painted blue.


  • 10、

    So what are two men doing in the women's dressing room?


  • 11、

    Thanks. Dad, I'll meet you in the dressing room.

    谢谢你. 爸爸, 我们在更衣室见.

  • 12、

    After a thorough renovation, the first team dressing room a new look.

    经过彻底翻新后, 一线队更衣室焕然一新.

  • 13、

    OK. The dressing room is there.

    可以. 试衣间在那儿.

    ——地道口语脱口SHOW 高中升学篇
  • 14、

    So what were you doing in her dressing room this morning?


  • 15、

    A dressing room in Washington's quarters.


  • 16、

    The entourage disappeared to the back dressing room.


  • 17、

    Mickey was a good laugh and great to have in the dressing room.


  • 18、

    I was the last into the dressing room, so I missed all the celebrations.

    我最后一个走进更衣室, 因此错过了所有庆祝活动.

  • 19、

    He's always a winner a great attitude and's great around the dressing room as well.


  • 20、

    Once in the dressing room, Cech's condition worsened dramatically.

    在医疗室里, 切赫的伤势出人意料的恶化了.

  • 21、

    In the dressing room before the game he got my calf right.


  • 22、

    A successful team is a shared leadership inside the dressing room.


  • 23、

    There are always problems, and always have beenthe dressing room.

    胜利总会帮助你取胜.总会出现问题, 而且更衣室里也总会有.

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